Friday, June 28, 2013


ok, zero minus nine to liftoff…

I can NOT believe I am almost there! Got my luggage, after consulting THREE airlines for max size; got my Faraday pouch, anti-RFID scanning to protect against data capture; clothes will be the problem – I ALWAYS overpack but really REALLY want NOT to – problem is I’m packing for six weeks, not just three…some problem, huh?

Getting my GBP tomorrow, which I’ll need for car four of us are sharing from Heathrow to the flats. Oh, haven’t been able to decide which mascot to take – take a look…
 That's Mollie I was telling you about . . . sigh . . . 
I made her get out of pic....
That's better - everyone is labeled, so let me know your feelings - thanx!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Carolyn,
    I vote for Tiglet.He looks small enough to pack, but large enough to fit in photos. ;)
