Sunday, July 28, 2013


As some of us are leaving tomorrow, we paid our respects to HRH, Queen Elizabeth II, at Buckingham Palace, where she was in residence, as evidenced by the flag. 
The palace is rather nice, if you like that kind of thing. A bit ostentatious for me . . . I KID! I KID! It was incredible. I got 'stamped' for a free return, and hope to bring my sister back with me. 

Then we stood in traffic for awhile, trying to get photos which convey transportation in motion. As it happens, this synchronized nicely with the changing of the guard, which necessitated a full stop to all traffic as the guard proceeded out and down the mall. Sigh....

Then I tried a couple of tactics. I used my Samsung Galaxy Note II phone camera, with an aperture priority setting, which set a very low ISO of 80, and an aperture of 2.76. Here's the shot:

It kind of looks like there's some momentum going on, doesn't it? Or is that just the optical illusion of the graphic on the cab? 

I was thrilled when a red Ferrari came around the corner. Without changing the settings, I took a series of rapid shots. However, I'm not sure I got the desired effect. Everything looks to be in focus. I guess my phone camera is just too good, maybe?

Even if they're too IN focus, I love the fact that everyone is gaping at the car in all of the photos!

I also tried using my Fuji Finepix JV. I tried setting it to night, to lengthen exposure, and got mixed results. Some came out with everything pretty much in focus,

like this one:
but this one:seems to have worked!

Same settings, but I may have been 'tracking' the biker or something? Not sure how I got lucky, but I want to learn more about how to affect these effects. I'll have some time to practice, now.

Farewell lunch at Hard Rock. I snuck out before there could be any weepy farewells - I hate that kind of thing. I trust many of us will continue to follow each others' goings-on. Look for my continuing adventures with Mollie in London, Bath, York, and then Scotland and Ireland - erin go bragh!

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