Friday, July 12, 2013


Today we went 1st to Regent's Park, and it was . . . regal, really. It' 
Map of Regent's Park
We entered at the southeast end and basically crossed to the northwest (no, not THAT North West), playing with every dog we saw, and then climbed up Primrose Hill, where we picnicked and then actually all did our best to fly kites. The view was spectacular, the breeze was breezey (we could have used a windier day) and we were off to Abbey Road, walking again. It was indeed a long and winding road - but you should be able to see us doing the infamous walk across the street in the zebra crossing at approximately 2:25:23 up til about 2:27. Go to Abbey Road Live Webcamthen in the right menu click on Archives. This pops up the hours during the day today (make sure you're on Friday, July 12th), choose the 2-3 PM hour, and drag the scrollbar under the pic to about 2:25, and you'll see us. Here's a sneak preview...
Pretty cool, huh?

However, our focus was to shoot close-ups of flowers in the gardens, and let me tell you, I was losing my mind! Queen Mary's Garden is like 60,000 varieties of just ROSES! Some had exotic names I can't remember, but even without touching them up, they look surreal. You see what I mean, I trust? 

I posted a different image on our Facebook page, an eXtReMe closeup. Check out my group's photos on our Facebook page. You won't be disappointed . . . although we will, if you don't like and comment. 

The thing that I adore about roses is their simplicity...the geometric principles of Fibonacci at work in nature restore and sustain me. Somehow their order and determination, despite their frailty  give me a sense of inner peace -- a feeling, gazing at this pure, natural beauty, that some things will after all be all right with the world. 


  1. Again your insight is touching and makes you think past the present to the bigger picture-a rose is a rose is a rose-cherished in literature and history. The power of the garden to connect us to the beauty and power of mother earth!

  2. Carolyn--

    Wow, Abbey Road! The roses are beautiful--my mom would flip if she saw these...There's something about an English garden.
