Monday, July 8, 2013


I HEART LONDON & FSU! Arrived today, and forgot how much I love this city. Here are a couple of photos I took in our car ride to the study center from the airport.

I was MESMERIZED merely by the awesome architecture!

Look familiar?

We are DEAD CENTER in London, with one theatre's stage door literally across the street, and the very first YMCA down the street, which I dragged myself to to get a membership. IF I have enough "stuff" (read: soap, towels, etc.), am planning to go in AMs (although maybe NOT Tuesday...dead woman posting...) since five woman in my flat need to share two bathrooms. Good way to start my days. Really inspired by one roommate who just lost 60 pounds . . . committed to making this time a gift to myself -- working hard AND enjoying the privilege of studying here. Staff here are AWESOME - so compassionate and helpful. 

I am, however, pretty tired, and kind of desperate because I haven't been able to get my cell phone to work with the new SIM card I bought. So here's hoping my sister MOLLIE is following her long lost sister's blog and sees this and understands! It's funny: it's a wonderful opportunity to really grow, but it's also the first time I've been separated from my only family in...what? twenty years? We're inseparable, so she's living this experience through me, and she'll know what I mean when I quote my actor friend Matt McGee, who oft quoteth the line: "I'm telling you, there are days, and there are DAYS!"

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