Wednesday, July 10, 2013


...particularly if you look at things anew. I've been to London several times, and some treasures endure. St. Paul's, for example - although even that is technically new...again...but it's the same it's been all the times I've visited. However, our tour guide, Janet, gave me eyes I didn't have before. I'm not at all a religious person (I adhere to Christopher Hitchens' tenets in God Is Not Great) but I have immense respect for people who are able to instill a sense of awe in others. It's a gift, and Janet was so full of grace and light and pleasure that I found myself thrilling to the significance of the history of the place. I can sometimes do this, IF I apply myself, in the spirit of Lettice Douffet in Peter Shaffer's Lettice and Lovage. Lettice is a museum guide, so inordinately filled with passion for her mission to "Enlarge! Enliven! Enlighten!" that she becomes swept away by her own embellishments. I played this role, and it did indeed fulfill those objectives for me personally. It stems from a love of what one does; one is naturally able to share one's enthusiasm with others, effortlessly. This could be difficult for someone who repeats their performance time and time again. I have learned that it is seeing the CONTENT again, but with new eyes, that inspires ingenuity ... endlessly.

St. Paul's is a trove of wonders; many are instantly recognizable. I took over a hundred photos while traversing the city today, but I discovered one which posed a curious challenge. If looked at from different perspectives, it looks equally plausible, which is a perfect example of my lesson today. There is no one way to view anything.

I actually managed to combine these into an Escher-esque image, but Blogger won't let me upload it...grrr! I really need these classes!


  1. I am loving your posts. Such great introspective thought and your ability to relate it to the here and now is fabulous!
    Rock on star

  2. Hey Carolyn,
    I can see that you're completely in your element in London town. Glad to see that you're enjoying and learning so much. Oh, BTW, the blog's brilliant. Cheers!
