Sunday, July 21, 2013

Zut alors!

Je suis content que je n'ai pas allez a Paris! (Or something like that.)

I couldn't go to Paris on Friday, because I needed this time to let my antibiotics do their thing and to give me feet a rest. If you're reading this, and you have diabetes, you know you MUST take especial care of your footsies. So I declined. I was able to give my return ticket to my roommate who had changed her plans, so I firmly believe everything happens for a reason. I've been to Paris, and of the places I've been in Europe, it was my least favourite. Hearsay has it that others came to the same conclusion and decided to return themselves, rather than stay. Ah, c'est la vie, n'est-ce que pas?

Actually, it was actually kind of nice to be able to do laundry without mobs of people clamoring "Are you done yet?" On Saturday, I also took the opportunity to take the bus to Leicester Square to try to get some "half-price" theatre tickets at TKTS. I got maybe more like a three quarters price ticket for The Hot House. Bizarre theatre - actually comprised of more than one studio, kind of mishmoshed into a theatre complex. Nonetheless, second row centre, where I was utterly and completely floored by the incomparable brilliance of Simon Russell Beale. One couldn't take one's eyes off of him - his physicalization, vocalization, and embodiment of Pinter's crazed character were almost impossible to appreciate, because one forgot one was watching an actor. I will be grateful my entire life that I had this chance to see this accomplished and renowned actor live on stage. 

Meanwhile, in Leicester Square, in front of the movie theatre (FYI, Theatre is life, film is art, television is furniture) premiering The Lone Ranger, there sat two characters in front of a sign: "French Fans of Helena" (I think). You should have seen them sit up and primp when I asked if I might take their photo. It speaks for itself. 

I especially love the 'normal' person on the right trying to act as if "I don't know these people"! Aren't they fabulous?! Evidently sign ought also to have said "and of Johnny"! London is amazing!


  1. Glad you had the chance to rest and regroup so you could once again enjoy your surroundings and take advantage of the fact YOU ARE IN LONDON! Woohoo. Live it up girlfriend-be open and everything changes

  2. Hi, Carolyn--

    Sorry to hear you were under the weather. What a great photo! Remember: you are in London!!!
