Thursday, July 18, 2013


Before my class takes off for Paris for the weekend! I'm having a hard time concentrating on today, and I'm not even going. I had to make the call, because of my feet. I'm taking course of antibiotics, and I don't have any appropriate footwear. I looked kind of half-heartedly this afternoon, after an excruciating bus ride. I caught a bus fairly close to the Tower of London, our first stop of the day,
after which I decided I needed to get back to flat to put my feet up. I asked the driver so as to make sure the bus went to Covent Garden, and he told me it did, but made me wait outside for several minutes until he was 'ready,' apparently. Fine. Then the bus took an hour to get from the Tower Bridge to Waterloo, because we were following some kind of demonstration, with the London police trailing behind to insure that they weren't bothered. I could have walked faster, but it was fine, because I was busy taking photos

and trying to get my bearings. Fine, that is, until the driver announced at Waterloo that the route was ending there! So I had to get off and get the next bus.

I have to admit that I have felt completely inadequate about finding my way around. However, in light of my recent discovery that no one street has the same name for more than a couple of blocks, compounded with the fact that bus routes can apparently change spontaneously, I’m feeling validated. I got to Covent Garden, eventually, and determined to walk a bit and see if I could find any shoes. I found a bookstore and asked for a GOOD map, which I used to get my bearings, then hopped on another bus to TCR (my abbreviation for Tottenham Court Road). By this time I was really hurting, but still needed to go to the grocery store so I’d have food for Friday, when my flatmates will be gone. I knew then that there was no way I could do an eighteen hour jaunt to Paris and back. I’m not a big fan of France, anyhow, so I am going to be a good patient and stay in the flat to redress my bandages and keep my foot up. Boring, but I know it’s for the best. 
Check this dude out.... 

1 comment:

  1. yes, sometimes the universe has other plans for us. Rest up so you are good to go when I arrive! And please have London figured out by then so I don't need another tour guide. Accept and align and your strength will return.
